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HomeVincents Across America

Vincents Across America - An Epic Ride


** 18 days, starting August 24 In Portland, Maine  

            ** Northern route via The Black Hills to Portland, Oregon

** Arriving in Ventura, California Sept. 11 for the VOC International


Yes, it is happening and riders are already signed up.

Yes, a chase vehicle is provided by Peckerhead Racing, Cannonball Run veterans.

Here is our ride plan:

This is a ride across America to coincide with the start of the VOC International Rally that is scheduled to start on September 11th 2023. Here is a brief overview:

We will embrace a northern cross-country route from Portland, Maine through the north east traversing just below the Great Lakes and then up through Michigan and into Minnesota before heading west to South Dakota taking in the stunning Black Hills before heading west to Montana and then on to Portland, Oregon. All, it will be 18 days of riding and fun with a great group of enthusiasts. We will have some lay days if time permits, the mission is to make it!!

If you are interested, please send off an email to the address below to get your name on the list and be included in emails sent out in the future:

Get in early so you do not miss out.

The Norton Owners Club and the VOC in the states of Texas and California are closely tied. For years, each has invited the other to their rallies and rides.  This ride is organized by the ringleaders of the Texas group who are proud owners of both brands.  Peckerhead Racing is a Cannonball Run team that have successfully completed that classic event on century-old flat-tank Nortons.   They know how to do this, where to go, where to stay, and how to have fun.  Supporting a group of "modern" Vincents should be a piece of cake for these guys!