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HomeAge Related Registration

How to Apply For an AGE Related Registration

If the original UK registration is not known or if no proof acceptable to the DVLA exists or a Vincent motorcycle was sold new overseas and so never registered in UK then you are looking at an age-related registration application.

To apply for an age-related registration the motorcycle needs to be complete and ready to register and use on the road. The following procedure is not a VOC procedure but a DVLA procedure. For further info see:
You will then need to gather the following documents and sent it all in your application to the DVLA:

1. From the VOC you will need a dating certificate signed by the current Machine Registrar and a VOC headed covering letter. To issue a dating certificate the registrar requires clear photographs of the engine number, the crankcase mating number, the UFM headstock number and the RFM number and a photograph of both sides of the bike. Photos can be emailed or posted. The DVLA take the UFM headstock frame number as the bikes identity and ignore the RFM. I ask for info on the RFM for the VOC database and not for the DVLA application. The cost of all this is £30 for VOC members and £60 for non members.
A VOC inspection of the motorcycle may be required.
To apply for a VOC Dating certificate useable for DVLA applications then click HERE.

2. Printed photographs of the bike from both sides are required by the DVLA with the application. The photos of the engine and frame numbers are not required by the DVLA but if you wish you can send them but please ensure they are clear enough so somebody from the DVLA can easily read them. Do not send the RFM photo to the DVLA as the UFM headstock number is the frame number used for the application. The same goes with the crankcase mating number, the DVLA don’t require this. Write on the back of the photographs the engine number and frame number, date and sign them.

3. V55/5. This can only be partially completed as some areas are not relevant. Not all questions need to be answered. This form can now be downloaded from the DVLA website and printed off at home. The DVLA will no longer accept the older type carbon copy V55/5 forms.

Complete the form as:
1.  Leave blank as registration currently unknown
2.  Insert “Historic”
3.  Leave blank
4.  Leave blank
5.  Insert “Vincent”
6.  Insert “Vincent”
7.  Enter that model as described on the dating certificate
8.  Insert “Motorcycle”
9.  Insert “2 wheel”
10.  Insert the major colour of the motorcycle
11.  To 26 leave blank
27.  Insert the manufacturing year of the youngest major component.
31.  Insert “Petrol”
32.  Insert the frame number as stamped on the headstock. Be very careful it is correct.
33.  Insert the engine number as stamped on the engine. Again be careful it is correct.
34.  Insert the cubic capacity of the engine (i.e. 998cc)
35.  to 61 leave blank.

Now turn over to:
63.  Fill in your details. Ignore the DVLA fleet No.
64.  Your date of birth
65.  Exempt by age
66.  Insert mileage on speedometer

Then sign and date the declaration.

4. Current MOT based on the frame number. If the vehicle was manufactured over 40 years ago and not substantially changed the vehicle could be MOT exempt and so an MOT certificate is not compulsory and you can use form V112 instead. Complete the form but leave the registration blank. Select option “r” but please read the exemption description to check your Vincent is exempt. The V112 form can be downloaded from the DVLA website.

5. Insurance certificate is not required (unless in Northern Ireland), but you must insure the vehicle on its new registration as soon as you get the new V5C and failure to do so may incur a fine from the DVLA.
If you are registering the bike to an address in Northern Ireland then the DVLA require an insurance certificate or cover note required based on the frame number. Once a registration has been issued you then have to inform the insurance company of the registration.

6. Registration fee of £55 payable to DVLA. This is the current fee, but please check on the V55/5 form or with the DVLA at:

7. Proof of identification. A photo-card driving licence is the easiest if you have one. They will accept a photocopy so don’t send your original driving licence.  Otherwise:

Other documents (photocopies) you can use to confirm your name include:

•    current paper driving licence
•    passport
•    marriage certificate
•    decree nisi or absolute
•    birth certificate

Other documents (photocopies) you can use to confirm your address include:

•    recent utility bill (within the last 3 months) - eg gas, electricity, water, landline
•    recent bank or building society statement (within the last 3 months)
•    medical card
•    council tax bill for current year

You then send it all to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BE

Please note, the VOC can only recommend that an age related registration is allocated and cannot instruct the DVLA. The decision is the DVLA’s and they have the final say.

As a note, the DVLA now select some machines to be independently inspected by a company called SGS and if selected they will expect to see a complete motorcycle ready for use on the road.