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HomeReclaim Registration

How to reclaim an original registration through the DVLA V765 scheme

To apply to reclaim an original registration through the DVLA V765 scheme the motorcycle needs to be complete as the DVLA will reject any applications for machines that are not complete. First contact the Machine Registrar with photos of the relevant numbers off the motorcycle and also copy of the evidence the registration is connected so it can be all checked first. Click HERE.

The following procedure is not a VOC procedure but a DVLA procedure. For further info see:
You will then need to gather the following documents and send it all in your application to the VOC Machine Registrar:

1. DVLA form V765. This can be downloaded and printed from the DVLA website.
The owner completes sections 1 to 4 inclusive and leaves section 5 blank. The VOC Machine Registrar will complete section 5.

2. At least two printed photographs of the bike, one from each side. Angle one of the photos so it shows the registration on the rear reg plate. On the back or a blank area of each photograph write:
I certify that this photograph is a true likeness of Vincent (enter model here)
Engine number…… (enter the number)
Frame number…… (enter the number)
Date…… (when photo was taken)
Sign…… (your own signature)

Failure to enter these details on each photo will result in the application being returned to you.

3. The proof linking the frame number on the headstock to the registration. This can be the old council issued green or buff logbook or an authenticated copy of the original issuing council’s registration archives if they still exist. For an old logbook the machine registrar will require the original document and can then make an authenticated copy for the DVLA and return the original to the owner. For council records, the original letter or proof provided by the council archives will be required, not a copy.

4. V55/5. This can only be partially completed as some areas are not relevant. Not all questions need to be answered. This form is available direct from the DVLA or can be downloaded. To get a copy see: or telephone the DVLA helpline: 0300 790 6802


Complete the form as:
1.  Insert the registration being claimed.
2.  Insert “Historic”
3.  Leave blank
4.  Leave blank
5.  Insert “Vincent”
6.  Insert “Vincent”
7.  Enter that model
8.  Insert “Motorcycle”
9.  Insert “2 wheel”
10.  Insert the major colour of the motorcycle
11.  to 26 leave blank
27.  Insert the manufacturing year of the bike. If you’re not sure ask rather than entering the wrong year as this is not the registration year.
31.  Insert “Petrol”
32.  Insert the frame number as stamped on the headstock. Be very careful it is correct.
33.  Insert the engine number as stamped on the engine. Again be careful it is correct.
34.  Insert the cubic capacity of the engine (i.e. 998cc)
46.  Enter the 1st date of registration from your RF60 logbook or council records.

Now turn over to:
63.  Fill in your details. Ignore the DVLA fleet No.
64.  Your date of birth
65.  “Exempt by age”
66.  Insert mileage on speedometer

Then sign and date the declaration.


5. The VOC charges £30 for current members and £60 for non-members to process the application.  Please contact the Machine Registrar for details on how to pay.

Post the documents to the VOC Machine Registrar who will complete section 5 of the V765 form, copy the old logbook and return the original to the owner and post the application direct to DVLA. The VOC address is:

Machine Registrar
Vincent HRD Owners Club
Unit F, r/o, 29 Station Road
NN14 2RL